Learning to celebrate each new day
The last two years have been filled with so many emotions, ups and downs, and lots of changes. I've worked hard to enjoy the little moments in life because I think they are the most important at the end of the day. I take lots of photos and videos and journal everyday because I know that in a second things can change forever. I always want my kids to know how much I love them. Ryan and I make it a point to tell them everyday, multiple times a day. Maddison often responds with "I Knowwww! Y'all tell me alll the time!" I hope that one day when they are older they will be able to go back through old journals and photos and read about and see what was going on in our lives and how much we love them, and yes how often I wrote about cleaning the house and then being annoying. Can't let them get too big of a head on how cute and amazing I think they are. I've also been working hard at slowing down and learning to enjoy me time. As a new stay at home mom I think it ...