Telestrations Upside Down
If there is one thing that our family loves, it's a good game night! One of our favorite gaming companies is The OP Games. They make lots of family friendly and fun games. One of my all time favorites from The OP Games is call Telestrations. It's a fun take on the game telephone, but you sketch stuff out. For those who don't know.. I'm an amazing artist.. amazingly bad artist. Even so this game always leaves us laughing and playing "one more round" When I got an email from Tryazon asking if I wanted to host a game night for a new OP Games game called Telestrations Upside Drawn, it was an easy YES! Players use only a pen and board in a race to be the first team to sketch and guess the secret word. Players divide into teams of 2 or 3, each team gets a dry-erase board and marker, pick which color side of the card to use. Each team has a guide, someone who controls the board and knows the secret word, and a guesser(s) who controls the pen and does the sketching...