Looking through the eyes of a Toddler

Kids say the darnedest things. As a mom I spend a lot of time trying to work with my kids on what they say and using good manners, correct grammar, and growing their vocabulary. My recently turned two year old is working on colors and shapes still and while we are pretty good at some colors there are others that some days he knows the color, and other days he doesn't. Is it just my kids that do this because I swear they just do this to annoy me.

Today Max was holding a pink baseball and I asked him what color it was.. he looks at it and tells me that it is black. I tell him no, it's pink. He looks confused and again tells me that it is black. I again tell him that no it is pink. At this point, Max is getting mad at me, because he knows for certain that the ball is black. He looks at me like I am getting on his last nerve and tells me, no mama, ball black! I start walking over to him and say no Max, the ball is pink. He looks me dead in the eyes as I'm kneeling down to his level and he points to the ball and says it's black... Y'all sure enough, there is a logo symbol on his side of the ball and can you guess what color it is... that's right, black!

My View

Max's view

My Kid is weird... what can I say

Oliver just wanted some attention too.

How often do we not see the whole picture to something and think that we are right and someone else is wrong, when really, they just have a different side of the picture. It can be hard to see things from others perspective sometimes but just because you're right, doesn't mean that someone else is wrong. It is so important that we teach our kids to stop and listen to others point of view and to be respectful even if they don't agree with each other. You can stand up for what you believe in and what is right in respectful ways.


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