Funeral for a Fish

It's never easy to lose a loved one, even if that loved one is a pet, and even if that pet is a fish. About two years ago while Ryan was gone doing an internship for the summer, Maddison and I took it upon ourselves to get a pet. I took her to PetSmart to look around and she found Rainbow Dash, a male betta fish. We bought a bowl, some toys, food, water treatment, and treats to go with our new addition to the family. Maddison was so excited to have a pet and loved to feed her and give her treats.

Maddison said that Rainbow Dash was girl because it was pinkish/red and purple. We got her a treasure chest and she actually really liked to get inside of it and rest. Maddison loved the fact that she loved the treasure chest and go so excited whenever Rainbow Dash would go inside of it. Rainbow Dash didn't live a regular sit on the counter and do nothing kind of fish life. She had an active lifestyle and enjoyed taking trips and going on adventures. She rode up front with me on our move from Jonesboro and didn't complain once, which is more than I can say for the kids. 

Yes sometimes that meant going outside in a pickle jar, while her bowl was being cleaned out. You got to enjoy those warm end of summer days. She loved going on picnics with the boys outside and watching them run around while we sat back and relaxed in the shade. She was a great pet and lived a full life of love and fun times. She knew when it was time to eat and would excitedly swim up to the top of her bowl and dance around while waiting for food. She loved to make lots of bubbles. She would get extra excited and show out when she got a treat, which Maddison loved to give her and watch her eat it up. 

On Halloween Night, Rainbow Dash passed away. I knew that it was coming because she hadn't been making bubbles as much, she was resting more, and the last two days she wasn't eating. Having to tell the kindest, big heart 5 year old that her pet fish died was so hard! She cried and talked about how she didn't want Rainbow Dash to die and how much she would miss her, then she asked if we could say a prayer for her. We prayed that Heavenly Father would watch over Rainbow Dash and take care of her until we could all be together as a family again, because families are forever. We talked about what we loved about Rainbow Dash and things that she did that made up laugh. Then we planned a small funeral for her. (I could not handle the idea of flushing her down the potty like poop!) 

Maddison painted and decorated this beautiful container for her. We lined it with some pretty gift tissue and laid her in. We buried her by the tree in our backyard between the rose bushes. There was this perfect spot between the bushes, like it was left just for Rainbow Dash. We listed to Happier by Marshmello and we cried, because no one with a heart wouldn't cry while listening to that song and burying a pet. We offered some nice words about Rainbow Dash and Ryan said a prayer. Then we came back inside because it was super cold! We love and miss you Rainbow Dash and hope you're having a great time swimming around in Heaven. 


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